If you are interested in Christian Vermeiren’s photography, please contact the artist by e-mail:
Pictures are available either in limited editions for the larger formats, or in open editions for the smaller formats. Please enquire for prices and delivery terms.
Prints are available from our studio on fine-art archival paper (Hahnemuele or similar), up to A2 (42 x 59 cm), or 16.5 x 23 inches.
Larger prints are produced by a professional lab, and can be mounted as desired - many customers choose acrylic face-mounting.
A selection of pictures will soon be available for sale on the specialized site Saatchi Art. This will in particular be convenient for customers in North America, in order to reduce shipping delays and costs.
Copyright to all images: Christian Vermeiren - All rights reserved
Images are sold by our agent Varioza SRL (BE 0635.659.113)
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